Fictitious reason in the digital age: a critical look

un aperçu critique


  • Tirso Medellín Barquín Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



Fictitious reason, Digital natives, Alienation, Dialectic, Videogames


This article recovers the theories of fictitious reason and the triadic dialectic of Severo Iglesias to analyze phenomena of the digital era. It begins with an exposition of the concept of fictitious reason. Subsequently, related aspects are explained, such as fantasy, the imaginary, idealization and fetish. These aspects of the theory are used to analyze and reflect on phenomena of the digital era: the concept of "digital natives" as a manifestation of fictitious reason; the fondness for video games; social networks; pornography. A critical approach is made to these phenomena as contemporary forms of alienation.


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How to Cite

Medellín Barquín, T. (2023). Fictitious reason in the digital age: a critical look: un aperçu critique. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 3(6), 95–134.