Analysis of three cases of neurodevelopmental disorder and disruption in child students: an initial philosophical approach




Neurodeveloment disorders, Strategy, Autism, Learning, Relationship


In the present work, a field study was carried out with children with different Neurodevelopmental Disorders, as well as in other school contexts and at different times. What was observed during the intervention period refers to the relationship proposal as a philosophical concept that offers a novel explanation. During this process, it was identified that the only variable in common was the support teacher, who applied the strategies to guide the children to help improve their basic learning skills. A qualitative approach was used with a case study and the application of a longitudinal study where there is a reference of knowledge at the beginning and another at the end of the follow-up. The results were satisfactory, and the children presented significant advances in their learning; they allow, in turn, a final reflection that confronts them with the philosophical perspective presented by Cisneros around his philosophy of the relationship as a relationship.


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How to Cite

Piña Elizondo, O. (2023). Analysis of three cases of neurodevelopmental disorder and disruption in child students: an initial philosophical approach. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 3(6), 338–375.



