Socrates' Classroom

Teaching Philosophy as Dialogue & Critique




Filosofía, enseñanza, Sócrates, diálogo, crítica



The thesis of this essay can be stated in a simple and clear way: the nature of the teaching of philosophy is dialogue and its function is criticism. This way of teaching has been used since Socrates inaugurated it. In what follows I will substantiate this thesis. It is, in effect, about being faithful to Socratic pedagogy, which is a teaching of listening and transformation. The teaching of philosophy assumes a peculiar place with respect to the discourse and its interlocutors that is defined by the conscious and deliberate ignorance that has traditionally been called learned. This implies that the philosopher or the philosopher, at the moment of transmission of his discipline, takes a critical distance from his tradition at the same time that he seeks to awaken reflection in the student. More than knowledge to memorize, the philosophy professor seeks to transmit a way of relating to knowledge that is a passion, a philía. To teach philosophy is to get students to affiliate with it. The teaching of philosophy is to awaken the love of philosophy, to honor the famous etymology of the word. For this reason, teaching philosophy does not have to do with the transmission of knowledge or techniques, but with placing oneself in another way in front of knowledge: in a critical position, without taking anything for granted.



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How to Cite

Abud Jaso, J. J. (2023). Socrates’ Classroom: Teaching Philosophy as Dialogue & Critique. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 3(6), 319–337.

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