Common sense and the teaching of logic at the end of the 19th century in Mexico.

Restoring confidence in daily reflection.




Philosophical practice, Common sense, Porfiriato


It is intended to show that, in the debates about textbooks to teach logic during the Porfiriato, the idea of ​​common sense was argued and defended in a very similar way to the one used in the philosophical practice that is carried out today.  Concept approached by several professors of the National Preparatory School to protest against the elitist vision of Mexican positivism;  to note that there is a relationship between ethics and logic, attitudes and coexistence within human formation.  Said argumentation, ideas and concepts constitute a justification for philosophical practice as a necessary and fundamental exercise for the development of people.


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How to Cite

Panduro Muñoz, B., Batubenge, O. B., & Mancilla Margalli, A. E. (2024). Common sense and the teaching of logic at the end of the 19th century in Mexico.: Restoring confidence in daily reflection. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 4(7), 216–239.