The art as a praxic activity in the thought of Severo Iglesias




Iglesias, praxis, dialectic, art, aesthetic, society, beauty


Art, as a necessarily human activity, stated by Iglesias, can shape the world that human beings inhabit and construct. Therefore, it is important to explore its elements and the significance it holds for society from a philosophical perspective. This article aims to identify the general characteristics of art from the philosophical standpoint of Iglesias. It also intends to continue the line of thought left by the advocate of praxis regarding the state of art, its direction, and purpose. Various authors will be referenced, who, while not necessarily advocating the exact same ideas, share similarities with Iglesias' philosophical perspective, as he sought to restore art to its constitutive condition and social foundation.


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How to Cite

Bazaldúa Rodríguez, E. (2023). The art as a praxic activity in the thought of Severo Iglesias. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 3(6), 159–185.