Between Althusser and Badiou: To write the event and the subject in subversions





Event, encounter, sujet, overdetermination, contradiction, dialectics, Marxisms


It is proposed to show that the notion of event in the work of Louis Althusser is an antecedent of the elaboration of the event in the work that belongs to Alain Badiou´s “Red years” (Théorie de la contradiction and De l’ideologie) and Théorie du sujet. The problem that links both authors is the class struggle, for Althusser, an epistemological event makes it possible to understand historical events such as the Revolutions that were understood as an "advent", under a perspective forged from Marxism, the work of Marx and Hegelian dialectic. From this discussion, overdetermination ascends, which is understood as a prior idea of ​​the event, it is a cluster of contradictions that overrun the contradictions described by Hegel and Marx. Finally, the event is approached as a random encounter that takes place in the void.



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How to Cite

Reyes Camargo, R. (2023). Between Althusser and Badiou: To write the event and the subject in subversions: événement. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 3(6), 249–286.

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