The Miguel de Unamuno's tragic ontology and Quentin Meillassoux's ontology of in-reason

Unamuno's tragic being and Meillassoux's ontology of in-reason


  • Oscar Omar Márquez Esquivel Universidad Metropolitana de Monterrey



new realism, in-reason, ontology, correlationism, ontological-realistic turn


This paper seeks to propose a tragic ontology of in-reason, taking as a starting point Miguel de Unamuno's ontology, which is considered to be tragic, and Quentin Meillassoux's ontology of in-reason. There are four key moments to consider: first, a tentative demarcation between metaphysics and ontology, the distinctive features of Miguel de Unamuno are mentioned, the main studies of his work, the ontological analysis realized by Françoise Meyer, the ontological categories of being of Unamuno and, finally, his ontological-tragic posture is defined. The second key moment is the definition of the ontological-realist turn of New Realism, where a brief overview of the origin of this new philosophical trend is given, a differentiation is made between continental, analytical and postmodern philosophy and the definition of the term "correlationism", concept widely commented by the philosophers of the New Realism. The third moment is when the philosophical stance from the french Quentin Meillassoux is broadly explained, from what he considers to be correlationism, the concept of "naive realism", the concept of  "absolute realism", the two views that allow him to analyze the term realism, the two types of exteriorities in which he speaks of the dichotomy of the consciousness-exteriority correlation, finally, the principle of factuality or in-reason, a key moment to know his answer to the postmodernity correlationism. In the fourth key moment is where we can differentiate the relationship between Miguel de Unamuno s tragic ontology and the facticity ontology or in-reason of Meillassoux, broadly speaking, the similarity between both ontological positions is explained and how they could help shape the tragic ontology of in-reason. The perspective of these two philosophers could open a new path, a new overview on how we could consider the being: a tragic being, a contradictory being that is being a " becoming-other", a being that appears and disappears for no reason, leading to this tragic being of in-reason.

Finally, in the conclusions, the general considerations of the present text are discussed, where even the term "superchaos" proposed by Meillassoux is viewed and how this superchaos is linked to tragedy. However, they are final considerations that may or may not have continuity in later writings. Serve this short paper as a proposal that tries to attempt the fanning flames of philosophical work in almost the first quarter of the 21st century.


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Author Biography

Oscar Omar Márquez Esquivel, Universidad Metropolitana de Monterrey



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How to Cite

Márquez Esquivel, O. O. (2022). The Miguel de Unamuno’s tragic ontology and Quentin Meillassoux’s ontology of in-reason: Unamuno’s tragic being and Meillassoux’s ontology of in-reason. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 2(4), 133–154.

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