The axiom of choice in contemporary mathematical work




axiom of choice, mathematical work, Gödel, Cohen, mathematical platonism


For mathematicians interested in problems of foundations, logical-mathematicians and philosophers of mathematics, the axiom of choice is an obligatory center of reflection, since it has been considered essential in the debate within the positions considered classic in the philosophy of mathematics (intuitionism, formalism, logicism, platonism), but it has also had a fundamental presence in the development of contemporary mathematics and metamathematics. From a position that privileges the mathematical task, we intend to show the contributions that the axiom has had in several fundamental areas of mathematics, its application in first-order logic, as well as a brief description of the relative consistency tests due to Gödel and Cohen, who established their independence from the Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) axiomatic system. With all of the above, we will show how contemporary mathematical work is ascribed to mathematical platonism in the terms of Bernays and Ferreirós. We will also review the arguments of Zermelo and Cantor to allow the use of assumptions in mathematics, which are close to the approaches of scientific research and outline relationships with the philosophy of mathematical practice. Finally, we justify the use of the axiom of choice in contemporary times, advocating for equitable relations between mathematics and philosophy, also presenting its full validity, through reference to some currently open problems that link the axiom of choice with Ramsey theory.


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How to Cite

Galindo, F., & Alzate, R. (2022). The axiom of choice in contemporary mathematical work. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 2(3), 49–126.

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