The corporational transformation of the university




education, college, education reforms, capitalism


In this paper we criticize the justification that permeates in the speeches from higher education institutions, which is done though the supposed sophisms that have been normalized in Mexico’s education reforms since mid-twentieth century, to the degree of being considered as “natural”. Said starting points are realized inside the context of a globalizing world with capitalist tendencies, subjecting higher education to the efficiency driven market through international organisms and the economic powers. These supports for the hegemonic model are: 1) The college reform to abandon their traditions in order to resemble a business model; 2) The structural imposition of “integral” work on teachers, expanding their working hours; 3) The capitalist concern hidden in the widely accepted notion of globalization; 4) The shortage of resources for education caused by the prioritization of enterprises; and 5) The merging between the concepts of efficiency, truth and justice, a notion taken from the success of corporations. All of this makes college education incompatible with capitalism.


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Author Biography

Aureliano Ortega Esquivel, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

In this paper we criticize the justification that permeates in the speeches from higher education institutions, which is done though the supposed sophisms that have been normalized in Mexico’s education reforms since mid-twentieth century, to the degree of being considered as “natural”. Said starting points are realized inside the context of a globalizing world with capitalist tendencies, subjecting higher education to the efficiency driven market through international organisms and the economic powers. These supports for the hegemonic model are: 1) The college reform to abandon their traditions in order to resemble a business model; 2) The structural imposition of “integral” work on teachers, expanding their working hours; 3) The capitalist concern hidden in the widely accepted notion of globalization; 4) The shortage of resources for education caused by the prioritization of enterprises; and 5) The merging between the concepts of efficiency, truth and justice, a notion taken from the success of corporations. All of this makes college education incompatible with capitalism.


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How to Cite

Ortega Esquivel, A. (2021). The corporational transformation of the university. Aitias, Revista De Filosofía Del CEH, 1(1), 1–21.

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